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Ancestry parser
Надо зайти в Ancestry и запустить скрипт из Javascript консоли браузера.
Параметры глубины парсинга настраиваются в последней строке (30, 3490); min cM, max cM''.
<code javascript>
(async function (minSharedDna, maxSharedDna) {
const accountID = window.location.href.replace(/\?.*/, “”).split(/\).pop();
let initPage = 1;
let skipList = [“Name One”, “Name Two”];
let matchCounter = 0;
var data = “”;
if (!accountID) {
console.error(“Running script on wrong page!”);
return 1;
function saveMatches() {
console.log(“Saving data to file…”);
if (typeof data === “object”) {
data = JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 4);
var blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'text/csv;charset=UTF-8'});
e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
a = document.createElement('a'); = “dnamatches.csv”;
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
a.dataset.downloadurl = ['text/csv',, a.href].join(':');
e.initMouseEvent('click',true,false,window, 0,0,0,0,0,false,false,false,false,0,null);
function handleErrors(response) {
if (!response.ok) {
throw Error(response.status);
return response;
async function processCommonMatches(match, page) {
if (!skipList.includes(match.publicDisplayName)) {
Get common matches for this match
await fetch(`/discoveryui-matchesservice/api/samples/${accountID}/matches/list?page=${page}&relationguid=${match.testGuid}&sortby=RELATIONSHIP&_t=${}`
.then (handleErrors)
matchCounter++; const commonMatches = []; for (const group of json.matchGroups) { for (const cmatch of group.matches) { commonMatches.push(cmatch); } } let matchString = match.publicDisplayName; if ((match.publicDisplayName).localeCompare(match.adminDisplayName) !== 0) { matchString += "(Managed by " + match.adminDisplayName + ")"; } console.log(matchString + "[" + match.relationship.sharedCentimorgans + "cM] has " + commonMatches.length + " matches."); for (const cmatch of commonMatches) { if (!skipList.includes(cmatch.publicDisplayName)) { let commonMatchString = cmatch.publicDisplayName; if ((cmatch.publicDisplayName).localeCompare(cmatch.adminDisplayName) !== 0) { commonMatchString += "(Managed by " + cmatch.adminDisplayName + ")"; } let matchline = matchString +"," + commonMatchString + "\n"; data += matchline; } } return true; }) .catch((code) => { console.log("Got error " + code + "when fetching common matches for " + match.publicDisplayName + "(match # " + matchCounter + "). Retrying in a bit."); matchCounter--; return false; }); } else { // Just silently skip this match return true; } }
async function loadPage(page, bookmarkData) { while (!bookmarkData || bookmarkData.moreMatchesAvailable) { await fetch(`/discoveryui-matchesservice/api/samples/${accountID}/matches/list?page=${page}&minshareddna=${minSharedDna}&maxshareddna=${maxSharedDna}&sortby=RELATIONSHIP&_t=${}${bookmarkData? `&bookmarkdata={%22moreMatchesAvailable%22:true,%22lastMatchesServicePageIdx%22:${bookmarkData.lastMatchesServicePageIdx}}`: ""}` ) .then (handleErrors) .then((resp) => resp.json()) .then(async (json) => {
console.log("Got page #" + page); const matches = []; for (const group of json.matchGroups) { for (const match of group.matches) { matches.push(match); } } console.log(`Added ${matches.length} matches from page ${page} request`);
while (matches.length) { const match = matches.shift(); // Pop match from array front let processStatus = await processCommonMatches(match, page); if (processStatus === false) { console.warn("Failed to handle match " + match.publicDisplayName + "- retrying..."); matches.unshift(match); // Just redo this match?Does this work? await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000) + 10000)); } } // Worked through this page set - now set up for new iteration page += 4; bookmarkData = json.bookmarkData; }) .catch(async (code) => { console.error("Page load error " + code + ". Retrying..."); await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000) + 10000)); }); } // end of while }
await loadPage(initPage, null); console.log("DONE! Processed " + matchCounter + " matches between " + minSharedDna + " and " + maxSharedDna + " cM."); saveMatches();})(30, 3490); min cM, max cM </code>